Stranger: well, if it doesnt it was my own stupidity that got me there so, karma i guess
You: Do you believe in karma or was it just a saying?
Stranger: well i think if something bad comes out of this then it won't surprise me, if you act like a dick then you get dicked
You: Oh, so you've been making poor decisions?
Stranger: here's the thing
Stranger: do you want me to explain it to you great whale?
Stranger: how judgmental are whales?
You: I cannot speak for all of my kind; I myself try to keep myself open-minded.
Stranger: there's this girl right, she's a great friend of mine and she's really into me and i've known this for a while and we've fooled around before and a couple of nights ago i had sex with her...thing is...the night after that i had sex with her best friend who now likes me as well but didn't tell the other girl that she liked me, so now im kinda stuck..and i know that it was really low of me to go and do that..but im friends with both these girls and i really dont want either of them to hate me, which they probably should
Stranger: any wise whale words?
You: Yes, I just need to think it through.
You: Your problem is that you want to have a relationship with either of the girls or that you don't want to ruin the friendship with them?
Stranger: i dont know if i really want to be in a relationship
Stranger: it was just sex
You: It does sound, just from the way you describe it, that you are kind of leading them both on?
Stranger: hmm maybe a little
Stranger: now that you say so
You: My whale wisdom would be
You: That what might have been just sex for you might not have been that for them and if so, you got some responsibilities.
Stranger: i dunno, i mean ive had sex with the first girl before and it hasnt really come to anything
Stranger: it was what it was and nothing changed in our friendship
You: I see. So maybe then it didn't mean that much between the two of you. But that it was also her friend probably did.
Stranger: well yeah that's what im thinking, i mean i know she likes me but i don't think she thinks im totally all over her as in i wanna date her, im pretty sure it was just a thing know what i mean? but i think what i really did wrong was then sleep with her best friend as well which even if there's nothing more than sex between me and the first girl it would still piss her off
Stranger: this is complex so ill use names, [jennifer] is the first girl and [sarah] is the second girl
Stranger: sarah knew that i had sex with jennifer that night because jennifer went home from the party with sarah and told her, sarah stayed over at jennifers house
Stranger: so sarah is in the wrong too
Stranger: but they're both going to be pissed
Stranger: at each other and me too
You: of course, sarah already knows.
Stranger: i dont know if sarah has told jennifer though...should i tell jennifer or would that be worse for everybody?
Stranger: come on whale, you know what's best dont you?
You: first thing: what I think is that there's little sex that is truly uncomplicated. even if what you and jennifer had seemed to mean nothing, it would probably means something anyway, especially when and if she gets to know about sarah.
You: second thing: you know your friends better than I do, but if you feel that you have an obligation towards jennifer than you probably do.
Stranger: i think she'll find out eventually, im just wondering if it's better that i get in there first and just be honest with her or keep quiet
Stranger: cos either telling her she'll be pissed at me, or she'll appreciate me being honest...or i dont tell her and she thinks im a lying asshole
You: it's better that you tell her. it won't hurt her less, but at least she'll see that you have spine enough to stand up for your actions. it sounds like she deserves it too.
Stranger: will that make her more pissed at sarah for not telling her though?
You: now that's a difficult question.
Stranger: i dont wanna make her more mad at sarah
You: I mean, she can't hear it the first time from both you, right.
Stranger: maybe i'll call sarah, ask if she's told her, and then ask sarah if she wants to tell her or thinks i should
You: sounds like a good idea.
You: don't gang up on jennifer though.
Stranger: no, definitely not, that would be super awkward, i dont wanna seem like im playing teams
Stranger: it's just that jennifer's the only one who needs to know something that she doesnt, if it was sarah that didn't know i'd feel the same way, im not playing sarahs team, im just being honest with a friend who i havnt been honest with
Stranger: i dont feel more loyal to either of them then the other
You: be prepared to not downplay jennifer's reaction. some guys might think that they deserve a free pass for being honest.
You: but honesty is really about standing up yourself here, it is not retribution in itself.
Stranger: yeah..i mean i kind of expect maybe a few little points for being honest, but she's probably gonna be pissed at me
You: very well. I have to float on.
Stranger: thanks for helping me, i actually feel better even though i just spilled my guts to somebody i only know as a whale
Stranger: are you gonna tell me anything real about you after all that?
Stranger: it'd be nice to know
You: do you feel like you deserve it after being so honest?
You: my name is Sebastian.
Stranger: lol, i don't deserve anything, you just listened to me complain about me being a jerk for the last half hour
Stranger: well sebastian, thank you
Stranger: you're a great listener
You: thank you. good luck in the future. and stay true to your friends.
Stranger: will do, im gonna head over to sarahs house and, then possibly on to jennifers today, get this shit cleared up